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Build better products one card at a time.

Caaards creates happy teams through the successful launch of your product. Our features help you avoid project failure by aligning everyone on the objectives. Kick-start building your next product roadmap with Caaards.

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Caaards - Build better products one card at a time. | Product Hunt

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How to start

1. Create your project Start your project with a name and some context on the problem to solve and why the project exits. Caaards will even generate a unique project logo for you.

2. Define your horizons Break your project into three phases, or horizons, to give the team focus. Provide a clear and actionable goal everyone can align on. Use insights to make decisions on prioritisation.

3. Build your roadmap Add the detail to your project by creating and prioritising Epics. Assign Acceptance Criteria and estimates to your User Stories. And download your roadmap as CSV, JSON, or SVG file.

Start your project


Define objectives Objectives help shape the priority of each horizon. Define the objectives for each horizon, and the metrics used to measure success.

Set prioritisation Prioritisation ensures you deliver what's valuable to your customers first. Prioritise the Epics within each horizon using the MoSCoW prioritisation technique.

View insights Make informed decisions on timelines, budget, and teaming. Insights provide micro information on each aspect of the project such as budget.

Scoreboard Scoreboard gives a health check overview at the horizon level. Calling out if you have enough time and money to deliver the scope for each horizon.

Drag and Drop Update the structure of your roadmap by dragging and dropping cards. Change the order of the Epics. Or move User Stories from one Epic to another.

Filter cards Filter out the cards you're not working on for the moment. Choose a combination of Horizon and Priority filter. Or only the Users Stories under an Epic.

Go fullscreen Sometimes you want to block all the noise out and get to work. Get focussed when working on your roadmap by switching to full-screen.

Export project The data in your project is yours to use how you like. Export your roadmap to use on other apps such as Excel or Miro. And download your horizon insights as a PDF document.

Manage files You're not locked into creating an account. Save your projects files to your computer. Share them with your team. And open them up again later on.

Version history There are times you may want to explore alternative approaches, but not loose where you were. Create a backup version and restore when you need to reset.

Personalise Configure Caaards to work how you work. Choose points or hours for estimates. Select how long your sprints are. And decide how you want dates to look.

Dark Mode Because everyone loves dark mode. Apparently.

Frequently asked questions

Why wouldn't I use Jira or Trello? You can, but they were all designed to solve different problems. Which means you'll either spend time/money customising. Or make compromises to your workflow.

Why is Caaards free? Throughout my career I've been able to take advantage of open source software and ideas. Caaards is my contribution to that community. But I wouldn't say no to a coffee.

How secure is my data on Caaards? We never receive or store your data. Your Caaards project is only ever saved to the browser you're using. For this reason, be cautious when using a shared device.

How can I give feedback or request features? I would love to receive feedback. I've created a Google Form. I'm also open to receiving feature requests. Though can't commit to delivering them all.

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